Independently Negotiated Resolution

  • A proven, start-to-finish, flat fee service that has a 95% success rate
  • Offices across the country that can serve you in person or virtually
  • Less cost, time, and stress, and your legal rights are protected

INR is our proven, results-driven divorce process. It is a step-by-step process that works for both amicable and conflicted couples with assets and/or children to protect. The hardest and most stressful part of getting a divorce is the negotiations around money and kids. Our divorce mediators and financial divorce experts facilitate you through a process that keeps the hard part of your divorce to less than 120 days.

The Canadian divorce laws and our commitment to mediation protect you. There is no reason to spend money fighting with lawyers. We charge a flat fee, so no one is motivated to drag things out. We create the space and time for you to make well-informed decisions based on your desired outcomes and your legal rights.

Is INR right for you?

Watch this video to learn how our step-by-step process works for both amicable and conflicted couples.

Get a divorce knowing that you achieved the best outcome for yourself, your children, and your finances so you can move on confidently with your life.

Your circumstance is not your outcome.
There is always the chance to better a situation when we keep the outcome as the focus.

The INR Process addresses all the issues

Not sure about your next steps?

Assess your current situation with this confidential scorecard

Answer 9 short questions and receive a self-evaluation score.

Start your scorecard now.
Click Here.
This is our premier process for couples with more complex separations. It also focuses on life beyond divorce.Learn about ALLY
This is our process for individuals when your spouse will not participate, but you still want to move through divorce in a positive way.Learn about SOLE

Changing the Way Divorce Happens

Fairway was founded with the goal of changing the way divorce happens. Divorce does not need to take years and cost potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills. Since 2006, we’ve been turning divorce on its head, leading the alternative divorce industry and helping over 6,100 couples find a better way to divorce. Fair minded couples have worked with Fairway Resolution Experts in our many locations across Canada to reduce time, reduce cost, reduce stress and protect their kids to secure positive change for their family for seven generations to come.

“Divorce is an event in your life but it does not need to define you. However, how you choose to get a divorce will set the stage for the rest of your life.”

Karen Stewart
CEO and Founder

Divorce the fair way - How to achieve a clean breakDivorcing? - How to end your marriage without wrecking your lifeDivorce for Men - A guide to creating a great life after divorceDivorce for Women - A guide to creating a great life after divorce